Writing on the Beach

In the southern Rockies we are looking at our 7th week-end snow storm in a row. The last few have been puny compared to the strength of the first few we experienced over the holidays.
I've spent three to five months of the last 12 winters in Mexico. Originally, I went there to work on a writing project and kept returning in the winter with a writing agenda. During the last few years, when friends or relatives arrive for a visit in Puerto Vallarta and are ask how winter has been going, they generally report that it has been so mild to be almost non-existent. So the wrath of this winter is a bit unexpected.
Suprisingly, I am finding it easy to keep to a writing schedule, especially on those days when the flakes are falling outside. Still a person can't help remembering writing on the beach and Bougainvilleas. For some info on writing workshops in Puerto Vallarta go to www.bellecora.com/Workshops.html.
Copyright © 2007 by Martie LaCasse
Labels: puerto vallarta, writers, writers workshops, writing, writing workshops
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