
Fear and loathing and a good bit of love in my writing life.

Location: New Mexico, United States

I've been a writer since the age of three, beginning with the oral tradition of storytelling. My first audient was my younger brother. He was reluctant. I remember lying on him in the back of the family Buick, on a trip from Iowa to Texas in 1949, to insure his full attention to my tale.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Memoir Writing Books

I just came across Kay Porterfield's site on Living and the Creative Process. She says: The creative process is a powerful, transformative tool for healing our minds and bodies, our relationships and our world. Each one of us carries this ancient medicine inside.Kay Marie Porterfield, M.A.

One valuable thing she includes on her site is a list of books on memoir and journal writing found at this link http://www.kporterfield.com/journal/Journal_Memoir_Books.html.

After three years, I am once again facilitating a memoir writing workshop in Puerto Vallarta, November 24 - December 1. If you are interested in memoir, recording family history, or journal writing, then join us in the sand and sun of Mexico for a week exploring our relationships and our world, hopefully healing and expanding our minds and bodies. For more info: www.BelleCora.com/Workshops.html.

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